We are happy to announce that we'll soon be resuming chess classes for our community & friends!
How is this going to work?
Unfortunately because of the covid-19 situation, we are unable to have chess classes at our physical locations. Luckily, chess is an activity that can easily be taught in a virtual environment! Therefore, we plan to run these classes over zoom...
Out classes will be led by Artiom Ambartsoumian, who has been working with our club, and teaching our children for many years now. Artiom is also one of the members of American Chess Academy (ACA) and is very experienced in teaching children of all skill levels over zoom.
These classes will be group classes limited to 12 students. Each class will be 45- minutes long and will consist of 2 parts:
chess games, theory and practice (30min)
puzzles (15 min)
Classes will be held weekly on Saturday at 1pm. The first class is scheduled for Saturday, July 11th.
The classes will be taught in English/Armenian. Please stay tuned as we'll soon announce chess classes in Armenian/Russian as well!
How much is it going to cost?
First class on July 11th -FREE
The cost of 5 classes for one child is $45. It goes down to $75 for a family with a child and one sibling, and you can also get a family pack, for families with a child and more than one sibling, for only $95. Every child will get equal time with the instructors, so this is clearly a value for large families.
How to enroll?
Using the links below you can register and pay for classes.
Registration will require payment for the first 5 sessions. At the end of the 5 sessions, you'll get a reminder to pay for the next 5 sessions. This is not a subscription and there will be no auto-withdrawal. If the community finds subscription helpful we'll of course support that too.
Upon registration, you will get a link to a zoom session together with a password. Please make sure to install the browser plugin before your first class. You can do this by visiting the zoom website http://zoom.us , and follow the instructions for your specif browser.
Enjoy the class, bring your friends and please send us your feedback!
Register and pay for the classes for one child, two siblings or get the family pack.